12:33 AM

Money - When You Feel Enough?

Money tends to dominate our lives. So much of our time is spent making
it, spending it, saving it, investing it, or giving it.
The Gallup Poll recently showed that 56% of all divorces are the result of financial tensions and conflicts.

by Rick Warren

Fortunately, the Bible has a lot of great advice on money management.
Over half of Jesus' parables deal with handling material possessions.
In fact,Jesus spoke more about money than he did about either heaven or hell.
(Probably because more people are interested in money!)

There are two common myths about money:

MYTH #1:
Money is evil. Actually money is neither good nor bad. It's
neutral. What the Bible actually says is, "The LOVE of money is the root of all
kinds of evil." (1 Tim. 6:10)

Here's the point: We are to USE things and LOVE people. When we get
that reversed we get ourselves into trouble. If we love things, we will end
up using people. God says people are always more important than

MYTH #2:
Money is the key to happiness. Obviously, that isn't true
either.If money guaranteed happiness then those with the most would be the
most happy. All you have to do is read the newspaper to explode that idea.
Jesus said, "A man's real life is not made up of the things he owns, no
matter how rich he may be." (Lk. 12:15)

So how much money can I make without feeling guilty?

God says you may make as much as you can - as long as you observe four
important limitations on your "desire to acquire." In my next editions,
I'll give you those four qualifiers to "guilt-free" wealth.

In the meantime, think about this: "It is better, much better, to have
wisdom and knowledge than silver and gold." Proverbs 16:16

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